Mike Insco served three terms as the elected prosecutor of Buchanan County. He began a tradition of innovative public safety services that continue to this day. Those services have been copied state-wide.
He began or co-founded: Victim/Witness Services, the Child Abuse and Rape Task Forces, the Drug Strike Force, the Shelter for Battered Women, the Child Support Enforcement Unit.
His list of firsts in the state include: the first Victim/Witness services unit, the first welfare fraud trial and conviction, the first designer drug conviction, the first serial murderer conviction, Charles Hatcher, and the first criminal anti-trust conviction.
He was president of the Missouri Prosecutor’s Association and served on the crime commissions of three governors, both Democrat and Republican. He received awards from the Kansas City Chapter of MADD, the St. Joseph Fraternal Order of Police, and the Northwest Missouri Peace Officers Association.